Wrapping (single-agent)

This library works with a common API to interact with the following RL environments:

To operate with them and to support interoperability between these non-compatible interfaces, a wrapping mechanism is provided as shown in the diagram below

Environment wrappingEnvironment wrapping


# import the environment wrapper and loader
from skrl.envs.wrappers.torch import wrap_env
from skrl.envs.loaders.torch import load_omniverse_isaacgym_env

# load the environment
env = load_omniverse_isaacgym_env(task_name="Cartpole")

# wrap the environment
env = wrap_env(env)  # or 'env = wrap_env(env, wrapper="omniverse-isaacgym")'

API (PyTorch)

skrl.envs.wrappers.torch.wrap_env(env: Any, wrapper: str = 'auto', verbose: bool = True) Wrapper | MultiAgentEnvWrapper

Wrap an environment to use a common interface


>>> from skrl.envs.wrappers.torch import wrap_env
>>> # assuming that there is an environment called "env"
>>> env = wrap_env(env)
  • env (gym.Env, gymnasium.Env, dm_env.Environment or VecTask) – The environment to be wrapped

  • wrapper (str, optional) –

    The type of wrapper to use (default: "auto"). If "auto", the wrapper will be automatically selected based on the environment class. The supported wrappers are described in the following table:


    Wrapper tag

    OpenAI Gym




    Petting Zoo








    Isaac Gym preview 2


    Isaac Gym preview 3


    Isaac Gym preview 4


    Omniverse Isaac Gym


    Isaac Sim (orbit)


  • verbose (bool, optional) – Whether to print the wrapper type (default: True)


ValueError – Unknown wrapper type


Wrapped environment

Return type:

Wrapper or MultiAgentEnvWrapper


skrl.envs.wrappers.jax.wrap_env(env: Any, wrapper: str = 'auto', verbose: bool = True) Wrapper | MultiAgentEnvWrapper

Wrap an environment to use a common interface


>>> from skrl.envs.wrappers.jax import wrap_env
>>> # assuming that there is an environment called "env"
>>> env = wrap_env(env)
  • env (gym.Env, gymnasium.Env, dm_env.Environment or VecTask) – The environment to be wrapped

  • wrapper (str, optional) –

    The type of wrapper to use (default: "auto"). If "auto", the wrapper will be automatically selected based on the environment class. The supported wrappers are described in the following table:


    Wrapper tag

    OpenAI Gym




    Petting Zoo




    Isaac Gym preview 2


    Isaac Gym preview 3


    Isaac Gym preview 4


    Omniverse Isaac Gym


    Isaac Sim (orbit)


  • verbose (bool, optional) – Whether to print the wrapper type (default: True)


ValueError – Unknown wrapper type


Wrapped environment

Return type:

Wrapper or MultiAgentEnvWrapper

Internal API (PyTorch)

class skrl.envs.wrappers.torch.Wrapper(env: Any)

Bases: object

__init__(env: Any) None

Base wrapper class for RL environments


env (Any supported RL environment) – The environment to wrap

property device

The device used by the environment

If the wrapped environment does not have the device property, the value of this property will be "cuda:0" or "cpu" depending on the device availability

property action_space: gym.Space

Action space

close() None

Close the environment

property num_agents: int

Number of agents

If the wrapped environment does not have the num_agents property, it will be set to 1

property num_envs: int

Number of environments

If the wrapped environment does not have the num_envs property, it will be set to 1

property observation_space: gym.Space

Observation space

render(*args, **kwargs) None

Render the environment

reset() Tuple[torch.Tensor, Any]

Reset the environment


NotImplementedError – Not implemented


Observation, info

Return type:

torch.Tensor and any other info

property state_space: gym.Space

State space

If the wrapped environment does not have the state_space property, the value of the observation_space property will be used

step(actions: torch.Tensor) Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, Any]

Perform a step in the environment


actions (torch.Tensor) – The actions to perform


NotImplementedError – Not implemented


Observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info

Return type:

tuple of torch.Tensor and any other info

class skrl.envs.wrappers.torch.OmniverseIsaacGymWrapper(env: Any)

Bases: Wrapper

__init__(env: Any) None

Omniverse Isaac Gym environment wrapper


env (Any supported Omniverse Isaac Gym environment) – The environment to wrap

close() None

Close the environment

render(*args, **kwargs) None

Render the environment

reset() Tuple[torch.Tensor, Any]

Reset the environment


Observation, info

Return type:

torch.Tensor and any other info

run(trainer: omni.isaac.gym.vec_env.vec_env_mt.TrainerMT | None = None) None

Run the simulation in the main thread

This method is valid only for the Omniverse Isaac Gym multi-threaded environments


trainer (omni.isaac.gym.vec_env.vec_env_mt.TrainerMT, optional) – Trainer which should implement a run method that initiates the RL loop on a new thread

step(actions: torch.Tensor) Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, Any]

Perform a step in the environment


actions (torch.Tensor) – The actions to perform


Observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info

Return type:

tuple of torch.Tensor and any other info

class skrl.envs.wrappers.torch.IsaacOrbitWrapper(env: Any)

Bases: Wrapper

__init__(env: Any) None

Isaac Orbit environment wrapper


env (Any supported Isaac Orbit environment) – The environment to wrap

close() None

Close the environment

render(*args, **kwargs) None

Render the environment

reset() Tuple[torch.Tensor, Any]

Reset the environment


Observation, info

Return type:

torch.Tensor and any other info

step(actions: torch.Tensor) Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, Any]

Perform a step in the environment


actions (torch.Tensor) – The actions to perform


Observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info

Return type:

tuple of torch.Tensor and any other info

class skrl.envs.wrappers.torch.IsaacGymPreview3Wrapper(env: Any)

Bases: Wrapper

__init__(env: Any) None

Isaac Gym environment (preview 3) wrapper


env (Any supported Isaac Gym environment (preview 3) environment) – The environment to wrap

close() None

Close the environment

render(*args, **kwargs) None

Render the environment

reset() Tuple[torch.Tensor, Any]

Reset the environment


Observation, info

Return type:

torch.Tensor and any other info

step(actions: torch.Tensor) Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, Any]

Perform a step in the environment


actions (torch.Tensor) – The actions to perform


Observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info

Return type:

tuple of torch.Tensor and any other info

class skrl.envs.wrappers.torch.IsaacGymPreview2Wrapper(env: Any)

Bases: Wrapper

__init__(env: Any) None

Isaac Gym environment (preview 2) wrapper


env (Any supported Isaac Gym environment (preview 2) environment) – The environment to wrap

close() None

Close the environment

render(*args, **kwargs) None

Render the environment

reset() Tuple[torch.Tensor, Any]

Reset the environment


Observation, info

Return type:

torch.Tensor and any other info

step(actions: torch.Tensor) Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, Any]

Perform a step in the environment


actions (torch.Tensor) – The actions to perform


Observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info

Return type:

tuple of torch.Tensor and any other info

class skrl.envs.wrappers.torch.GymWrapper(env: Any)

Bases: Wrapper

__init__(env: Any) None

OpenAI Gym environment wrapper


env (Any supported OpenAI Gym environment) – The environment to wrap

property action_space: gym.Space

Action space

close() None

Close the environment

property observation_space: gym.Space

Observation space

render(*args, **kwargs) None

Render the environment

reset() Tuple[torch.Tensor, Any]

Reset the environment


Observation, info

Return type:

torch.Tensor and any other info

property state_space: gym.Space

State space

An alias for the observation_space property

step(actions: torch.Tensor) Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, Any]

Perform a step in the environment


actions (torch.Tensor) – The actions to perform


Observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info

Return type:

tuple of torch.Tensor and any other info

class skrl.envs.wrappers.torch.GymnasiumWrapper(env: Any)

Bases: Wrapper

__init__(env: Any) None

Gymnasium environment wrapper


env (Any supported Gymnasium environment) – The environment to wrap

property action_space: gymnasium.Space

Action space

close() None

Close the environment

property observation_space: gymnasium.Space

Observation space

render(*args, **kwargs) None

Render the environment

reset() Tuple[torch.Tensor, Any]

Reset the environment


Observation, info

Return type:

torch.Tensor and any other info

property state_space: gymnasium.Space

State space

An alias for the observation_space property

step(actions: torch.Tensor) Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, Any]

Perform a step in the environment


actions (torch.Tensor) – The actions to perform


Observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info

Return type:

tuple of torch.Tensor and any other info

class skrl.envs.wrappers.torch.DeepMindWrapper(env: Any)

Bases: Wrapper

__init__(env: Any) None

DeepMind environment wrapper


env (Any supported DeepMind environment) – The environment to wrap

_observation_to_tensor(observation: Any, spec: Any | None = None) torch.Tensor

Convert the DeepMind observation to a flat tensor


observation (Any supported DeepMind observation) – The DeepMind observation to convert to a tensor


ValueError if the observation spec type is not supported


The observation as a flat tensor

Return type:


_spec_to_space(spec: Any) gym.Space

Convert the DeepMind spec to a Gym space


spec (Any supported DeepMind spec) – The DeepMind spec to convert


ValueError if the spec type is not supported


The Gym space

Return type:


_tensor_to_action(actions: torch.Tensor) Any

Convert the action to the DeepMind expected format


actions (torch.Tensor) – The actions to perform


ValueError – If the action space type is not supported


The action in the DeepMind expected format

Return type:

Any supported DeepMind action

property action_space: gym.Space

Action space

close() None

Close the environment

property observation_space: gym.Space

Observation space

render(*args, **kwargs) None

Render the environment

OpenCV is used to render the environment. Install OpenCV with pip install opencv-python

reset() Tuple[torch.Tensor, Any]

Reset the environment


The state of the environment

Return type:


property state_space: gym.Space

State space

An alias for the observation_space property

step(actions: torch.Tensor) Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, Any]

Perform a step in the environment


actions (torch.Tensor) – The actions to perform


Observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info

Return type:

tuple of torch.Tensor and any other info

class skrl.envs.wrappers.torch.RobosuiteWrapper(env: Any)

Bases: Wrapper

__init__(env: Any) None

Robosuite environment wrapper


env (Any supported robosuite environment) – The environment to wrap

_observation_to_tensor(observation: Any, spec: Any | None = None) torch.Tensor

Convert the observation to a flat tensor


observation (Any supported observation) – The observation to convert to a tensor


ValueError if the observation spec type is not supported


The observation as a flat tensor

Return type:


_spec_to_space(spec: Any) gym.Space

Convert the robosuite spec to a Gym space


spec (Any supported robosuite spec) – The robosuite spec to convert


ValueError if the spec type is not supported


The Gym space

Return type:


_tensor_to_action(actions: torch.Tensor) Any

Convert the action to the robosuite expected format


actions (torch.Tensor) – The actions to perform


ValueError – If the action space type is not supported


The action in the robosuite expected format

Return type:

Any supported robosuite action

property action_space: gym.Space

Action space

close() None

Close the environment

property observation_space: gym.Space

Observation space

render(*args, **kwargs) None

Render the environment

reset() Tuple[torch.Tensor, Any]

Reset the environment


The state of the environment

Return type:


property state_space: gym.Space

State space

An alias for the observation_space property

step(actions: torch.Tensor) Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, Any]

Perform a step in the environment


actions (torch.Tensor) – The actions to perform


Observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info

Return type:

tuple of torch.Tensor and any other info

Internal API (JAX)

class skrl.envs.wrappers.jax.Wrapper(env: Any)

Bases: object

__init__(env: Any) None

Base wrapper class for RL environments


env (Any supported RL environment) – The environment to wrap

property device

The device used by the environment

If the wrapped environment does not have the device property, the value of this property will be "cuda" or "cpu" depending on the device availability

property action_space: gym.Space

Action space

close() None

Close the environment

property num_agents: int

Number of agents

If the wrapped environment does not have the num_agents property, it will be set to 1

property num_envs: int

Number of environments

If the wrapped environment does not have the num_envs property, it will be set to 1

property observation_space: gym.Space

Observation space

render(*args, **kwargs) None

Render the environment

reset() Tuple[ndarray | jax.Array, Any]

Reset the environment


NotImplementedError – Not implemented


Observation, info

Return type:

np.ndarray or jax.Array and any other info

property state_space: gym.Space

State space

If the wrapped environment does not have the state_space property, the value of the observation_space property will be used

step(actions: ndarray | jax.Array) Tuple[ndarray | jax.Array, ndarray | jax.Array, ndarray | jax.Array, ndarray | jax.Array, Any]

Perform a step in the environment


actions (np.ndarray or jax.Array) – The actions to perform


NotImplementedError – Not implemented


Observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info

Return type:

tuple of np.ndarray or jax.Array and any other info

class skrl.envs.wrappers.jax.OmniverseIsaacGymWrapper(env: Any)

Bases: Wrapper

__init__(env: Any) None

Omniverse Isaac Gym environment wrapper


env (Any supported Omniverse Isaac Gym environment) – The environment to wrap

close() None

Close the environment

render(*args, **kwargs) None

Render the environment

reset() Tuple[ndarray | jax.Array, Any]

Reset the environment


Observation, info

Return type:

np.ndarray or jax.Array and any other info

run(trainer: omni.isaac.gym.vec_env.vec_env_mt.TrainerMT | None = None) None

Run the simulation in the main thread

This method is valid only for the Omniverse Isaac Gym multi-threaded environments


trainer (omni.isaac.gym.vec_env.vec_env_mt.TrainerMT, optional) – Trainer which should implement a run method that initiates the RL loop on a new thread

step(actions: ndarray | jax.Array) Tuple[ndarray | jax.Array, ndarray | jax.Array, ndarray | jax.Array, ndarray | jax.Array, Any]

Perform a step in the environment


actions (np.ndarray or jax.Array) – The actions to perform


Observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info

Return type:

tuple of np.ndarray or jax.Array and any other info

class skrl.envs.wrappers.jax.IsaacOrbitWrapper(env: Any)

Bases: Wrapper

__init__(env: Any) None

Isaac Orbit environment wrapper


env (Any supported Isaac Orbit environment) – The environment to wrap

close() None

Close the environment

render(*args, **kwargs) None

Render the environment

reset() Tuple[ndarray | jax.Array, Any]

Reset the environment


Observation, info

Return type:

np.ndarray or jax.Array and any other info

step(actions: ndarray | jax.Array) Tuple[ndarray | jax.Array, ndarray | jax.Array, ndarray | jax.Array, ndarray | jax.Array, Any]

Perform a step in the environment


actions (np.ndarray or jax.Array) – The actions to perform


Observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info

Return type:

tuple of np.ndarray or jax.Array and any other info

class skrl.envs.wrappers.jax.IsaacGymPreview3Wrapper(env: Any)

Bases: Wrapper

__init__(env: Any) None

Isaac Gym environment (preview 3) wrapper


env (Any supported Isaac Gym environment (preview 3) environment) – The environment to wrap

close() None

Close the environment

render(*args, **kwargs) None

Render the environment

reset() Tuple[ndarray | jax.Array, Any]

Reset the environment


Observation, info

Return type:

np.ndarray or jax.Array and any other info

step(actions: ndarray | jax.Array) Tuple[ndarray | jax.Array, ndarray | jax.Array, ndarray | jax.Array, ndarray | jax.Array, Any]

Perform a step in the environment


actions (np.ndarray or jax.Array) – The actions to perform


Observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info

Return type:

tuple of np.ndarray or jax.Array and any other info

class skrl.envs.wrappers.jax.IsaacGymPreview2Wrapper(env: Any)

Bases: Wrapper

__init__(env: Any) None

Isaac Gym environment (preview 2) wrapper


env (Any supported Isaac Gym environment (preview 2) environment) – The environment to wrap

close() None

Close the environment

render(*args, **kwargs) None

Render the environment

reset() Tuple[ndarray | jax.Array, Any]

Reset the environment


Observation, info

Return type:

np.ndarray or jax.Array and any other info

step(actions: ndarray | jax.Array) Tuple[ndarray | jax.Array, ndarray | jax.Array, ndarray | jax.Array, ndarray | jax.Array, Any]

Perform a step in the environment


actions (np.ndarray or jax.Array) – The actions to perform


Observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info

Return type:

tuple of np.ndarray or jax.Array and any other info

class skrl.envs.wrappers.jax.GymnasiumWrapper(env: Any)

Bases: Wrapper

__init__(env: Any) None

Gymnasium environment wrapper


env (Any supported Gymnasium environment) – The environment to wrap

property action_space: gymnasium.Space

Action space

close() None

Close the environment

property observation_space: gymnasium.Space

Observation space

render(*args, **kwargs) None

Render the environment

reset() Tuple[ndarray | jax.Array, Any]

Reset the environment


Observation, info

Return type:

np.ndarray or jax.Array and any other info

property state_space: gymnasium.Space

State space

An alias for the observation_space property

step(actions: ndarray | jax.Array) Tuple[ndarray | jax.Array, ndarray | jax.Array, ndarray | jax.Array, ndarray | jax.Array, Any]

Perform a step in the environment


actions (np.ndarray or jax.Array) – The actions to perform


Observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info

Return type:

tuple of np.ndarray or jax.Array and any other info