
In this section, you will find a variety of examples that demonstrate how to use this library to solve reinforcement learning tasks. With the knowledge and skills you gain from trying these examples, you will be well on your way to using this library to solve your reinforcement learning problems


It is recommended to use the Table of Contents in the sidebar or in this section to improve the browsing experience


Gym/Gymnasium environments

These examples perform the training of one agent in a Gym/Gymnasium environment (one agent, one environment)

Gym/Gymnasium environments

The following components or practices are exemplified (highlighted):

  • Load and wrap a Gym environment: Pendulum (DDPG), CartPole (CEM)

  • Recurrent neural network models (RNN, GRU, LSTM): PendulumNoVel (DDPG)

  • Instantiate models using the model instantiation utility: CartPole (DQN)

  • Create a tabular model (\(\epsilon\)-greedy policy): Taxi (SARSA), FrozenLake (Q-Learning)

  • Load a checkpoint during evaluation: Pendulum (DDPG), CartPole (CEM), CartPole (DQN), Taxi (SARSA), FrozenLake (Q-Learning)

Benchmark results are listed in Benchmark results #32 (Gym/Gymnasium)

import gym

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

# Import the skrl components to build the RL system
from skrl.models.torch import Model, DeterministicMixin
from skrl.memories.torch import RandomMemory
from skrl.agents.torch.ddpg import DDPG, DDPG_DEFAULT_CONFIG
from skrl.resources.noises.torch import OrnsteinUhlenbeckNoise
from skrl.trainers.torch import SequentialTrainer
from skrl.envs.torch import wrap_env

# Define the models (deterministic models) for the DDPG agent using mixin
# - Actor (policy): takes as input the environment's observation/state and returns an action
# - Critic: takes the state and action as input and provides a value to guide the policy
class Actor(DeterministicMixin, Model):
    def __init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device, clip_actions=False):
        Model.__init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device)
        DeterministicMixin.__init__(self, clip_actions)

        self.linear_layer_1 = nn.Linear(self.num_observations, 400)
        self.linear_layer_2 = nn.Linear(400, 300)
        self.action_layer = nn.Linear(300, self.num_actions)

    def compute(self, inputs, role):
        x = F.relu(self.linear_layer_1(inputs["states"]))
        x = F.relu(self.linear_layer_2(x))
        # Pendulum-v1 action_space is -2 to 2
        return 2 * torch.tanh(self.action_layer(x)), {}

class Critic(DeterministicMixin, Model):
    def __init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device, clip_actions=False):
        Model.__init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device)
        DeterministicMixin.__init__(self, clip_actions)

        self.linear_layer_1 = nn.Linear(self.num_observations + self.num_actions, 400)
        self.linear_layer_2 = nn.Linear(400, 300)
        self.linear_layer_3 = nn.Linear(300, 1)

    def compute(self, inputs, role):
        x = F.relu(self.linear_layer_1(torch.cat([inputs["states"], inputs["taken_actions"]], dim=1)))
        x = F.relu(self.linear_layer_2(x))
        return self.linear_layer_3(x), {}

# Load and wrap the Gym environment.
# Note: the environment version may change depending on the gym version
    env = gym.make("Pendulum-v1")
except gym.error.DeprecatedEnv as e:
    env_id = [spec.id for spec in gym.envs.registry.all() if spec.id.startswith("Pendulum-v")][0]
    print("Pendulum-v1 not found. Trying {}".format(env_id))
    env = gym.make(env_id)
env = wrap_env(env)

device = env.device

# Instantiate a RandomMemory (without replacement) as experience replay memory
memory = RandomMemory(memory_size=20000, num_envs=env.num_envs, device=device, replacement=False)

# Instantiate the agent's models (function approximators).
# DDPG requires 4 models, visit its documentation for more details
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.ddpg.html#spaces-and-models
models_ddpg = {}
models_ddpg["policy"] = Actor(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models_ddpg["target_policy"] = Actor(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models_ddpg["critic"] = Critic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models_ddpg["target_critic"] = Critic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)

# Initialize the models' parameters (weights and biases) using a Gaussian distribution
for model in models_ddpg.values():
    model.init_parameters(method_name="normal_", mean=0.0, std=0.1)

# Configure and instantiate the agent.
# Only modify some of the default configuration, visit its documentation to see all the options
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.ddpg.html#configuration-and-hyperparameters
cfg_ddpg = DDPG_DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
cfg_ddpg["exploration"]["noise"] = OrnsteinUhlenbeckNoise(theta=0.15, sigma=0.1, base_scale=1.0, device=device)
cfg_ddpg["discount_factor"] = 0.98
cfg_ddpg["batch_size"] = 100
cfg_ddpg["random_timesteps"] = 1000
cfg_ddpg["learning_starts"] = 1000
# logging to TensorBoard and write checkpoints each 75 and 750 timesteps respectively
cfg_ddpg["experiment"]["write_interval"] = 75
cfg_ddpg["experiment"]["checkpoint_interval"] = 750

agent_ddpg = DDPG(models=models_ddpg,

# Configure and instantiate the RL trainer
cfg_trainer = {"timesteps": 15000, "headless": True}
trainer = SequentialTrainer(cfg=cfg_trainer, env=env, agents=agent_ddpg)

# start training

Gym/Gymnasium vectorized environments

These examples perform the training of one agent in a Gym/Gymnasium vectorized environment (one agent, multiple independent copies of the same environment in parallel)

The following components or practices are exemplified (highlighted):

  • Load and wrap a Gym vectorized environment: Pendulum (DDPG), CartPole (DQN), Taxi (SARSA), FrozenLake (Q-Learning)

import gym

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

# Import the skrl components to build the RL system
from skrl.models.torch import Model, DeterministicMixin
from skrl.memories.torch import RandomMemory
from skrl.agents.torch.ddpg import DDPG, DDPG_DEFAULT_CONFIG
from skrl.resources.noises.torch import OrnsteinUhlenbeckNoise
from skrl.trainers.torch import SequentialTrainer
from skrl.envs.torch import wrap_env

# Define the models (deterministic models) for the DDPG agent using mixin
# - Actor (policy): takes as input the environment's observation/state and returns an action
# - Critic: takes the state and action as input and provides a value to guide the policy
class DeterministicActor(DeterministicMixin, Model):
    def __init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device, clip_actions=False):
        Model.__init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device)
        DeterministicMixin.__init__(self, clip_actions)

        self.linear_layer_1 = nn.Linear(self.num_observations, 400)
        self.linear_layer_2 = nn.Linear(400, 300)
        self.action_layer = nn.Linear(300, self.num_actions)

    def compute(self, inputs, role):
        x = F.relu(self.linear_layer_1(inputs["states"]))
        x = F.relu(self.linear_layer_2(x))
        return 2 * torch.tanh(self.action_layer(x)), {}  # Pendulum-v1 action_space is -2 to 2

class DeterministicCritic(DeterministicMixin, Model):
    def __init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device, clip_actions=False):
        Model.__init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device)
        DeterministicMixin.__init__(self, clip_actions)

        self.linear_layer_1 = nn.Linear(self.num_observations + self.num_actions, 400)
        self.linear_layer_2 = nn.Linear(400, 300)
        self.linear_layer_3 = nn.Linear(300, 1)

    def compute(self, inputs, role):
        x = F.relu(self.linear_layer_1(torch.cat([inputs["states"], inputs["taken_actions"]], dim=1)))
        x = F.relu(self.linear_layer_2(x))
        return self.linear_layer_3(x), {}

# Load and wrap the Gym environment.
# Note: the environment version may change depending on the gym version
    env = gym.vector.make("Pendulum-v1", num_envs=10, asynchronous=False)
except gym.error.DeprecatedEnv as e:
    env_id = [spec.id for spec in gym.envs.registry.all() if spec.id.startswith("Pendulum-v")][0]
    print("Pendulum-v1 not found. Trying {}".format(env_id))
    env = gym.vector.make(env_id, num_envs=10, asynchronous=False)
env = wrap_env(env)

device = env.device

# Instantiate a RandomMemory (without replacement) as experience replay memory
memory = RandomMemory(memory_size=100000, num_envs=env.num_envs, device=device, replacement=False)

# Instantiate the agent's models (function approximators).
# DDPG requires 4 models, visit its documentation for more details
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.ddpg.html#spaces-and-models
models_ddpg = {}
models_ddpg["policy"] = DeterministicActor(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models_ddpg["target_policy"] = DeterministicActor(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models_ddpg["critic"] = DeterministicCritic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models_ddpg["target_critic"] = DeterministicCritic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)

# Initialize the models' parameters (weights and biases) using a Gaussian distribution
for model in models_ddpg.values():
    model.init_parameters(method_name="normal_", mean=0.0, std=0.1)

# Configure and instantiate the agent.
# Only modify some of the default configuration, visit its documentation to see all the options
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.ddpg.html#configuration-and-hyperparameters
cfg_ddpg = DDPG_DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
cfg_ddpg["exploration"]["noise"] = OrnsteinUhlenbeckNoise(theta=0.15, sigma=0.1, base_scale=1.0, device=device)
cfg_ddpg["batch_size"] = 100
cfg_ddpg["random_timesteps"] = 100
cfg_ddpg["learning_starts"] = 100
# logging to TensorBoard and write checkpoints each 1000 and 1000 timesteps respectively
cfg_ddpg["experiment"]["write_interval"] = 1000
cfg_ddpg["experiment"]["checkpoint_interval"] = 1000

agent_ddpg = DDPG(models=models_ddpg,

# Configure and instantiate the RL trainer
cfg_trainer = {"timesteps": 15000, "headless": True}
trainer = SequentialTrainer(cfg=cfg_trainer, env=env, agents=agent_ddpg)

# start training

Farama Shimmy (converted environments)

The following examples show the training in several popular environments (Atari, DeepMind Control and OpenAI Gym) that have been converted to the Gymnasium API using the Shimmy (API conversion tool) package

Shimmy (converted environments)


From skrl, no extra implementation is necessary, since it fully supports Gymnasium API


Because the Gymnasium API requires that the rendering mode be specified during the initialization of the environment, it is not enough to set the headless option in the trainer configuration to render the environment. In this case, it is necessary to call the gymnasium.make function using render_mode="human" or any other supported option

import gymnasium as gym

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

# Import the skrl components to build the RL system
from skrl.models.torch import Model, DeterministicMixin
from skrl.memories.torch import RandomMemory
from skrl.agents.torch.dqn import DQN, DQN_DEFAULT_CONFIG
from skrl.trainers.torch import SequentialTrainer
from skrl.envs.torch import wrap_env

# Define the model (deterministic models) for the DQN agent using mixin
class QNetwork(DeterministicMixin, Model):
    def __init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device, clip_actions=False):
        Model.__init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device)
        DeterministicMixin.__init__(self, clip_actions)

        self.net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.num_observations, 64),
                                 nn.Linear(64, 64),
                                 nn.Linear(64, self.num_actions))

    def compute(self, inputs, role):
        return self.net(inputs["states"]), {}

# Load and wrap the environment
env = gym.make("ALE/Pong-v5")
env = wrap_env(env)

device = env.device

# Instantiate a RandomMemory (without replacement) as experience replay memory
memory = RandomMemory(memory_size=15000, num_envs=env.num_envs, device=device, replacement=False)

# Instantiate the agent's models (function approximators).
# DQN requires 2 models, visit its documentation for more details
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.dqn.html#spaces-and-models
models = {}
models["q_network"] = QNetwork(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models["target_q_network"] = QNetwork(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)

# # Initialize the models' parameters (weights and biases) using a Gaussian distribution
for model in models.values():
    model.init_parameters(method_name="normal_", mean=0.0, std=0.1)

# Configure and instantiate the agent.
# Only modify some of the default configuration, visit its documentation to see all the options
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.dqn.html#configuration-and-hyperparameters
cfg_agent = DQN_DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
cfg_agent["learning_starts"] = 100
cfg_agent["exploration"]["initial_epsilon"] = 1.0
cfg_agent["exploration"]["final_epsilon"] = 0.04
cfg_agent["exploration"]["timesteps"] = 1500
# logging to TensorBoard and write checkpoints each 1000 and 5000 timesteps respectively
cfg_agent["experiment"]["write_interval"] = 1000
cfg_agent["experiment"]["checkpoint_interval"] = 5000

agent_dqn = DQN(models=models,

# Configure and instantiate the RL trainer
cfg_trainer = {"timesteps": 50000, "headless": True}
trainer = SequentialTrainer(cfg=cfg_trainer, env=env, agents=agent_dqn)

# start training

Other supported APIs

DeepMind environments

These examples perform the training of one agent in a DeepMind environment (one agent, one environment)

DeepMind environments

The following components or practices are exemplified (highlighted):

  • Load and wrap a DeepMind environment: cartpole (DDPG)

  • Map the observation/state space (flat tensor) to the original environment space to be used by the model: reach_site_vision (SAC)


from dm_control import suite

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

# Import the skrl components to build the RL system
from skrl.models.torch import Model, DeterministicMixin
from skrl.memories.torch import RandomMemory
from skrl.agents.torch.ddpg import DDPG, DDPG_DEFAULT_CONFIG
from skrl.resources.noises.torch import OrnsteinUhlenbeckNoise
from skrl.trainers.torch import SequentialTrainer
from skrl.envs.torch import wrap_env

# Define the models (deterministic models) for the DDPG agent using mixins
# and programming with two approaches (torch functional and torch.nn.Sequential class).
# - Actor (policy): takes as input the environment's observation/state and returns an action
# - Critic: takes the state and action as input and provides a value to guide the policy
class DeterministicActor(DeterministicMixin, Model):
    def __init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device, clip_actions=False):
        Model.__init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device)
        DeterministicMixin.__init__(self, clip_actions)

        self.linear_layer_1 = nn.Linear(self.num_observations, 400)
        self.linear_layer_2 = nn.Linear(400, 300)
        self.action_layer = nn.Linear(300, self.num_actions)

    def compute(self, inputs, role):
        x = F.relu(self.linear_layer_1(inputs["states"]))
        x = F.relu(self.linear_layer_2(x))
        return torch.tanh(self.action_layer(x)), {}

class DeterministicCritic(DeterministicMixin, Model):
    def __init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device, clip_actions=False):
        Model.__init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device)
        DeterministicMixin.__init__(self, clip_actions)

        self.net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.num_observations + self.num_actions, 400),
                                 nn.Linear(400, 300),
                                 nn.Linear(300, 1))

    def compute(self, inputs, role):
        return self.net(torch.cat([inputs["states"], inputs["taken_actions"]], dim=1)), {}

# Load and wrap the DeepMind environment
env = suite.load(domain_name="cartpole", task_name="swingup")
env = wrap_env(env)

device = env.device

# Instantiate a RandomMemory (without replacement) as experience replay memory
memory = RandomMemory(memory_size=25000, num_envs=env.num_envs, device=device, replacement=False)

# Instantiate the agent's models (function approximators).
# DDPG requires 4 models, visit its documentation for more details
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.ddpg.html#spaces-and-models
models_ddpg = {}
models_ddpg["policy"] = DeterministicActor(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device, clip_actions=True)
models_ddpg["target_policy"] = DeterministicActor(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device, clip_actions=True)
models_ddpg["critic"] = DeterministicCritic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models_ddpg["target_critic"] = DeterministicCritic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)

# Initialize the models' parameters (weights and biases) using a Gaussian distribution
for model in models_ddpg.values():
    model.init_parameters(method_name="normal_", mean=0.0, std=0.1)

# Configure and instantiate the agent.
# Only modify some of the default configuration, visit its documentation to see all the options
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.ddpg.html#configuration-and-hyperparameters
cfg_ddpg = DDPG_DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
cfg_ddpg["exploration"]["noise"] = OrnsteinUhlenbeckNoise(theta=0.15, sigma=0.1, base_scale=1.0, device=device)
cfg_ddpg["batch_size"] = 100
cfg_ddpg["random_timesteps"] = 100
cfg_ddpg["learning_starts"] = 100
# logging to TensorBoard and write checkpoints each 1000 and 5000 timesteps respectively
cfg_ddpg["experiment"]["write_interval"] = 1000
cfg_ddpg["experiment"]["checkpoint_interval"] = 5000

agent_ddpg = DDPG(models=models_ddpg,

# Configure and instantiate the RL trainer
cfg_trainer = {"timesteps": 50000, "headless": True}
trainer = SequentialTrainer(cfg=cfg_trainer, env=env, agents=agent_ddpg)

# start training

Robosuite environments

These examples perform the training of one agent in a robosuite environment (one agent, one environment)

robosuite environments

The following components or practices are exemplified (highlighted):

  • Load and wrap a robosuite environment: TwoArmLift (TD3)

td3_robosuite_two_arm_lift.py (not tuned)

import robosuite
from robosuite.controllers import load_controller_config

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

# Import the skrl components to build the RL system
from skrl.models.torch import Model, DeterministicMixin
from skrl.memories.torch import RandomMemory
from skrl.agents.torch.td3 import TD3, TD3_DEFAULT_CONFIG
from skrl.resources.noises.torch import GaussianNoise
from skrl.trainers.torch import SequentialTrainer
from skrl.envs.torch import wrap_env

# Define the models (deterministic models) for the TD3 agent using mixins
# and programming with two approaches (torch functional and torch.nn.Sequential class).
# - Actor (policy): takes as input the environment's observation/state and returns an action
# - Critic: takes the state and action as input and provides a value to guide the policy
class DeterministicActor(DeterministicMixin, Model):
    def __init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device, clip_actions=False):
        Model.__init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device)
        DeterministicMixin.__init__(self, clip_actions)

        self.linear_layer_1 = nn.Linear(self.num_observations, 400)
        self.linear_layer_2 = nn.Linear(400, 300)
        self.action_layer = nn.Linear(300, self.num_actions)

    def compute(self, inputs, role):
        x = F.relu(self.linear_layer_1(inputs["states"]))
        x = F.relu(self.linear_layer_2(x))
        return torch.tanh(self.action_layer(x)), {}

class DeterministicCritic(DeterministicMixin, Model):
    def __init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device, clip_actions=False):
        Model.__init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device)
        DeterministicMixin.__init__(self, clip_actions)

        self.net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.num_observations + self.num_actions, 400),
                                 nn.Linear(400, 300),
                                 nn.Linear(300, 1))

    def compute(self, inputs, role):
        return self.net(torch.cat([inputs["states"], inputs["taken_actions"]], dim=1)), {}

# Load and wrap the DeepMind robosuite environment
controller_config = load_controller_config(default_controller="OSC_POSE")
env = robosuite.make("TwoArmLift",
                     robots=["Sawyer", "Panda"],             # load a Sawyer robot and a Panda robot
                     gripper_types="default",                # use default grippers per robot arm
                     controller_configs=controller_config,   # each arm is controlled using OSC
                     env_configuration="single-arm-opposed", # (two-arm envs only) arms face each other
                     has_renderer=True,                      # on-screen rendering
                     render_camera="frontview",              # visualize the "frontview" camera
                     has_offscreen_renderer=False,           # no off-screen rendering
                     control_freq=20,                        # 20 hz control for applied actions
                     horizon=200,                            # each episode terminates after 200 steps
                     use_object_obs=True,                    # provide object observations to agent
                     use_camera_obs=False,                   # don't provide image observations to agent
                     reward_shaping=True)                    # use a dense reward signal for learning
env = wrap_env(env)

device = env.device

# Instantiate a RandomMemory (without replacement) as experience replay memory
memory = RandomMemory(memory_size=25000, num_envs=env.num_envs, device=device, replacement=False)

# Instantiate the agent's models (function approximators).
# TD3 requires 6 models, visit its documentation for more details
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.td3.html#spaces-and-models
models = {}
models["policy"] = DeterministicActor(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models["target_policy"] = DeterministicActor(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models["critic_1"] = DeterministicCritic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models["critic_2"] = DeterministicCritic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models["target_critic_1"] = DeterministicCritic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models["target_critic_2"] = DeterministicCritic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)

# Initialize the models' parameters (weights and biases) using a Gaussian distribution
for model in models.values():
    model.init_parameters(method_name="normal_", mean=0.0, std=0.1)

# Configure and instantiate the agent.
# Only modify some of the default configuration, visit its documentation to see all the options
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.td3.html#configuration-and-hyperparameters
cfg_agent = TD3_DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
cfg_agent["exploration"]["noise"] = GaussianNoise(0, 0.1, device=device)
cfg_agent["smooth_regularization_noise"] = GaussianNoise(0, 0.2, device=device)
cfg_agent["smooth_regularization_clip"] = 0.5
cfg_agent["batch_size"] = 100
cfg_agent["random_timesteps"] = 100
cfg_agent["learning_starts"] = 100
# logging to TensorBoard and write checkpoints each 1000 and 5000 timesteps respectively
cfg_agent["experiment"]["write_interval"] = 1000
cfg_agent["experiment"]["checkpoint_interval"] = 5000

agent = TD3(models=models,

# Configure and instantiate the RL trainer
cfg_trainer = {"timesteps": 50000, "headless": False}
trainer = SequentialTrainer(cfg=cfg_trainer, env=env, agents=agent)

# start training

Isaac Gym preview

Isaac Gym environments

These examples perform the training of an agent in the Isaac Gym environments (one agent, multiple environments)

Isaac Gym environments

The following components or practices are exemplified (highlighted):

  • Load an Isaac Gym environment (easy-to-use API from NVIDIA): AllegroHand, Ingenuity

  • Load and wrap an Isaac Gym environment: Ant, Anymal

  • Set an input preprocessor: AnymalTerrain, BallBalance

  • Set a random seed for reproducibility: Cartpole

  • Set a learning rate scheduler: FrankaCabinet, Humanoid

  • Define a reward shaping function: Quadcopter, ShadowHand, Trifinger

  • Access to environment-specific properties and methods: Humanoid (AMP)

  • Load a checkpoint during evaluation: Cartpole

The PPO agent configuration is mapped, as far as possible, from the rl_games’ A2C-PPO configuration for Isaac Gym preview environments. Shared models or separated models are used depending on the value of the network.separate variable. The following list shows the mapping between the two configurations:

# memory
memory_size = horizon_length

# agent
rollouts = horizon_length
learning_epochs = mini_epochs
mini_batches = horizon_length * num_actors / minibatch_size
discount_factor = gamma
lambda = tau
learning_rate = learning_rate
learning_rate_scheduler = skrl.resources.schedulers.torch.KLAdaptiveRL
learning_rate_scheduler_kwargs = {"kl_threshold": kl_threshold}
random_timesteps = 0
learning_starts = 0
grad_norm_clip = grad_norm
ratio_clip = e_clip
value_clip = e_clip
clip_predicted_values = clip_value
entropy_loss_scale = entropy_coef
value_loss_scale = 0.5 * critic_coef
kl_threshold = 0
rewards_shaper = lambda rewards, timestep, timesteps: rewards * scale_value

# trainer
timesteps = horizon_length * max_epochs

Benchmark results are listed in Benchmark results #32 (NVIDIA Isaac Gym)


Isaac Gym environments implement a functionality to get their configuration from the command line. Because of this feature, setting the headless option from the trainer configuration will not work. In this case, it is necessary to invoke the scripts as follows: python script.py headless=True for Isaac Gym environments (preview 3 and preview 4) or python script.py --headless for Isaac Gym environments (preview 2)


import isaacgym
import isaacgymenvs

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

# Import the skrl components to build the RL system
from skrl.models.torch import Model, GaussianMixin, DeterministicMixin
from skrl.memories.torch import RandomMemory
from skrl.agents.torch.ppo import PPO, PPO_DEFAULT_CONFIG
from skrl.resources.schedulers.torch import KLAdaptiveRL
from skrl.resources.preprocessors.torch import RunningStandardScaler
from skrl.trainers.torch import SequentialTrainer
from skrl.envs.torch import wrap_env
from skrl.utils import set_seed

# set the seed for reproducibility
seed = set_seed(42)

# Define the shared model (stochastic and deterministic models) for the agent using mixins.
class Shared(GaussianMixin, DeterministicMixin, Model):
    def __init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device, clip_actions=False,
                 clip_log_std=True, min_log_std=-20, max_log_std=2, reduction="sum"):
        Model.__init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device)
        GaussianMixin.__init__(self, clip_actions, clip_log_std, min_log_std, max_log_std, reduction)
        DeterministicMixin.__init__(self, clip_actions)

        self.net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.num_observations, 512),
                                 nn.Linear(512, 256),
                                 nn.Linear(256, 128),

        self.mean_layer = nn.Linear(128, self.num_actions)
        self.log_std_parameter = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.num_actions))

        self.value_layer = nn.Linear(128, 1)

    def act(self, inputs, role):
        if role == "policy":
            return GaussianMixin.act(self, inputs, role)
        elif role == "value":
            return DeterministicMixin.act(self, inputs, role)

    def compute(self, inputs, role):
        if role == "policy":
            return self.mean_layer(self.net(inputs["states"])), self.log_std_parameter, {}
        elif role == "value":
            return self.value_layer(self.net(inputs["states"])), {}

# Load and wrap the Isaac Gym environment using the easy-to-use API from NVIDIA
env = isaacgymenvs.make(seed=seed,
env = wrap_env(env)

device = env.device

# Instantiate a RandomMemory as rollout buffer (any memory can be used for this)
memory = RandomMemory(memory_size=8, num_envs=env.num_envs, device=device)

# Instantiate the agent's models (function approximators).
# PPO requires 2 models, visit its documentation for more details
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.ppo.html#spaces-and-models
models_ppo = {}
models_ppo["policy"] = Shared(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models_ppo["value"] = models_ppo["policy"]  # same instance: shared model

# Configure and instantiate the agent.
# Only modify some of the default configuration, visit its documentation to see all the options
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.ppo.html#configuration-and-hyperparameters
cfg_ppo = PPO_DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
cfg_ppo["rollouts"] = 8  # memory_size
cfg_ppo["learning_epochs"] = 5
cfg_ppo["mini_batches"] = 4  # 8 * 16384 / 32768
cfg_ppo["discount_factor"] = 0.99
cfg_ppo["lambda"] = 0.95
cfg_ppo["learning_rate"] = 5e-3
cfg_ppo["learning_rate_scheduler"] = KLAdaptiveRL
cfg_ppo["learning_rate_scheduler_kwargs"] = {"kl_threshold": 0.02}
cfg_ppo["random_timesteps"] = 0
cfg_ppo["learning_starts"] = 0
cfg_ppo["grad_norm_clip"] = 1.0
cfg_ppo["ratio_clip"] = 0.2
cfg_ppo["value_clip"] = 0.2
cfg_ppo["clip_predicted_values"] = True
cfg_ppo["entropy_loss_scale"] = 0.0
cfg_ppo["value_loss_scale"] = 2.0
cfg_ppo["kl_threshold"] = 0
cfg_ppo["rewards_shaper"] = lambda rewards, timestep, timesteps: rewards * 0.01
cfg_ppo["state_preprocessor"] = RunningStandardScaler
cfg_ppo["state_preprocessor_kwargs"] = {"size": env.observation_space, "device": device}
cfg_ppo["value_preprocessor"] = RunningStandardScaler
cfg_ppo["value_preprocessor_kwargs"] = {"size": 1, "device": device}
# logging to TensorBoard and write checkpoints each 200 and 2000 timesteps respectively
cfg_ppo["experiment"]["write_interval"] = 200
cfg_ppo["experiment"]["checkpoint_interval"] = 2000

agent = PPO(models=models_ppo,

# Configure and instantiate the RL trainer
cfg_trainer = {"timesteps": 40000, "headless": True}
trainer = SequentialTrainer(cfg=cfg_trainer, env=env, agents=agent)

# start training

Isaac Gym environments (learning by scopes)

These examples perform the training of 3 agents by scopes in Isaac Gym’s Cartpole environment in the same run (multiple agents and environments)

Simultaneous training

Two versions are presented:

  • Simultaneous (sequential) training of agents sharing the same memory and whose scopes are automatically selected as equally as possible

  • Simultaneous (sequential and parallel) training and evaluation of agents with local memory (no memory sharing) and whose scopes are manually specified and differ from each other

The following components or practices are exemplified (highlighted):

  • Create a shared memory: Shared memory

  • Learning by scopes (automatically defined): Shared memory

  • Create non-shared memories: No shared memory

  • Learning by scopes (manually defined): No shared memory

  • Load a checkpoint during evaluation: Shared memory, No shared memory


Isaac Gym environments implement a functionality to get their configuration from the command line. Because of this feature, setting the headless option from the trainer configuration will not work. In this case, it is necessary to invoke the scripts as follows: python script.py headless=True for Isaac Gym environments (preview 3 and preview 4) or python script.py --headless for Isaac Gym environments (preview 2)


import isaacgym

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

# Import the skrl components to build the RL system
from skrl.models.torch import Model, GaussianMixin, DeterministicMixin
from skrl.memories.torch import RandomMemory
from skrl.agents.torch.ddpg import DDPG, DDPG_DEFAULT_CONFIG
from skrl.agents.torch.td3 import TD3, TD3_DEFAULT_CONFIG
from skrl.agents.torch.sac import SAC, SAC_DEFAULT_CONFIG
from skrl.resources.noises.torch import GaussianNoise, OrnsteinUhlenbeckNoise
from skrl.trainers.torch import SequentialTrainer
from skrl.envs.torch import wrap_env
from skrl.envs.torch import load_isaacgym_env_preview4

# Define the models (stochastic and deterministic models) for the agents using mixins.
# - StochasticActor: takes as input the environment's observation/state and returns an action
# - DeterministicActor: takes as input the environment's observation/state and returns an action
# - Critic: takes the state and action as input and provides a value to guide the policy
class StochasticActor(GaussianMixin, Model):
    def __init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device, clip_actions=False,
                 clip_log_std=True, min_log_std=-20, max_log_std=2):
        Model.__init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device)
        GaussianMixin.__init__(self, clip_actions, clip_log_std, min_log_std, max_log_std)

        self.net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.num_observations, 32),
                                 nn.Linear(32, 32),
                                 nn.Linear(32, self.num_actions))
        self.log_std_parameter = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.num_actions))

    def compute(self, inputs, role):
        return self.net(inputs["states"]), self.log_std_parameter, {}

class DeterministicActor(DeterministicMixin, Model):
    def __init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device, clip_actions=False):
        Model.__init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device)
        DeterministicMixin.__init__(self, clip_actions)

        self.net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.num_observations, 32),
                                 nn.Linear(32, 32),
                                 nn.Linear(32, self.num_actions))

    def compute(self, inputs, role):
        return self.net(inputs["states"]), {}

class Critic(DeterministicMixin, Model):
    def __init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device, clip_actions=False):
        Model.__init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device)
        DeterministicMixin.__init__(self, clip_actions)

        self.net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.num_observations + self.num_actions, 32),
                                 nn.Linear(32, 32),
                                 nn.Linear(32, 1))

    def compute(self, inputs, role):
        return self.net(torch.cat([inputs["states"], inputs["taken_actions"]], dim=1)), {}

# Load and wrap the Isaac Gym environment
env = load_isaacgym_env_preview4(task_name="Cartpole")   # preview 3 and 4 use the same loader
env = wrap_env(env)

device = env.device

# Instantiate a RandomMemory (without replacement) as shared experience replay memory
memory = RandomMemory(memory_size=8000, num_envs=env.num_envs, device=device, replacement=True)

# Instantiate the agent's models (function approximators).
# DDPG requires 4 models, visit its documentation for more details
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.ddpg.html#spaces-and-models
models_ddpg = {}
models_ddpg["policy"] = DeterministicActor(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device, clip_actions=True)
models_ddpg["target_policy"] = DeterministicActor(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device, clip_actions=True)
models_ddpg["critic"] = Critic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models_ddpg["target_critic"] = Critic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
# TD3 requires 6 models, visit its documentation for more details
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.td3.html#spaces-and-models
models_td3 = {}
models_td3["policy"] = DeterministicActor(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device, clip_actions=True)
models_td3["target_policy"] = DeterministicActor(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device, clip_actions=True)
models_td3["critic_1"] = Critic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models_td3["critic_2"] = Critic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models_td3["target_critic_1"] = Critic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models_td3["target_critic_2"] = Critic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
# SAC requires 5 models, visit its documentation for more details
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.sac.html#spaces-and-models
models_sac = {}
models_sac["policy"] = StochasticActor(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device, clip_actions=True)
models_sac["critic_1"] = Critic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models_sac["critic_2"] = Critic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models_sac["target_critic_1"] = Critic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models_sac["target_critic_2"] = Critic(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)

# Initialize the models' parameters (weights and biases) using a Gaussian distribution
for model in models_ddpg.values():
    model.init_parameters(method_name="normal_", mean=0.0, std=0.1)
for model in models_td3.values():
    model.init_parameters(method_name="normal_", mean=0.0, std=0.1)
for model in models_sac.values():
    model.init_parameters(method_name="normal_", mean=0.0, std=0.1)

# Configure and instantiate the agent.
# Only modify some of the default configuration, visit its documentation to see all the options
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.ddpg.html#configuration-and-hyperparameters
cfg_ddpg = DDPG_DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
cfg_ddpg["exploration"]["noise"] = OrnsteinUhlenbeckNoise(theta=0.15, sigma=0.1, base_scale=0.5, device=device)
cfg_ddpg["gradient_steps"] = 1
cfg_ddpg["batch_size"] = 512
cfg_ddpg["random_timesteps"] = 0
cfg_ddpg["learning_starts"] = 0
# logging to TensorBoard and write checkpoints each 25 and 1000 timesteps respectively
cfg_ddpg["experiment"]["write_interval"] = 25
cfg_ddpg["experiment"]["checkpoint_interval"] = 1000
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.td3.html#configuration-and-hyperparameters
cfg_td3 = TD3_DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
cfg_td3["exploration"]["noise"] = GaussianNoise(0, 0.2, device=device)
cfg_td3["smooth_regularization_noise"] = GaussianNoise(0, 0.1, device=device)
cfg_td3["smooth_regularization_clip"] = 0.1
cfg_td3["gradient_steps"] = 1
cfg_td3["batch_size"] = 512
cfg_td3["random_timesteps"] = 0
cfg_td3["learning_starts"] = 0
# logging to TensorBoard and write checkpoints each 25 and 1000 timesteps respectively
cfg_td3["experiment"]["write_interval"] = 25
cfg_td3["experiment"]["checkpoint_interval"] = 1000
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.sac.html#configuration-and-hyperparameters
cfg_sac = SAC_DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
cfg_sac["gradient_steps"] = 1
cfg_sac["batch_size"] = 512
cfg_sac["random_timesteps"] = 0
cfg_sac["learning_starts"] = 0
cfg_sac["learn_entropy"] = True
# logging to TensorBoard and write checkpoints each 25 and 1000 timesteps respectively
cfg_sac["experiment"]["write_interval"] = 25
cfg_sac["experiment"]["checkpoint_interval"] = 1000

agent_ddpg = DDPG(models=models_ddpg,

agent_td3 = TD3(models=models_td3,

agent_sac = SAC(models=models_sac,

# Configure and instantiate the RL trainer
cfg = {"timesteps": 8000, "headless": True}
trainer = SequentialTrainer(cfg=cfg,
                            agents=[agent_ddpg, agent_td3, agent_sac],

# start training

Isaac Orbit

Isaac Orbit environments

These examples perform the training of an agent in the Isaac Orbit environments (one agent, multiple environments)

Isaac Orbit environments

The following components or practices are exemplified (highlighted):

  • Load and wrap an Isaac Orbit environment: Ant

The PPO agent configuration is mapped, as far as possible, from the rl_games’ A2C-PPO configuration for Isaac Orbit environments. Shared models or separated models are used depending on the value of the network.separate variable. The following list shows the mapping between the two configurations:configurations

# memory
memory_size = horizon_length

# agent
rollouts = horizon_length
learning_epochs = mini_epochs
mini_batches = horizon_length * num_envs / minibatch_size
discount_factor = gamma
lambda = tau
learning_rate = learning_rate
learning_rate_scheduler = skrl.resources.schedulers.torch.KLAdaptiveRL
learning_rate_scheduler_kwargs = {"kl_threshold": kl_threshold}
random_timesteps = 0
learning_starts = 0
grad_norm_clip = grad_norm
ratio_clip = e_clip
value_clip = e_clip
clip_predicted_values = clip_value
entropy_loss_scale = entropy_coef
value_loss_scale = 0.5 * critic_coef
kl_threshold = 0
rewards_shaper = lambda rewards, timestep, timesteps: rewards * scale_value

# trainer
timesteps = horizon_length * max_epochs

Benchmark results are listed in Benchmark results #32 (NVIDIA Isaac Orbit)


Isaac Orbit environments implement a functionality to get their configuration from the command line. Because of this feature, setting the headless option from the trainer configuration will not work. In this case, it is necessary to invoke the scripts as follows: orbit -p script.py --headless


import torch
import torch.nn as nn

# Import the skrl components to build the RL system
from skrl.models.torch import Model, GaussianMixin, DeterministicMixin
from skrl.memories.torch import RandomMemory
from skrl.agents.torch.ppo import PPO, PPO_DEFAULT_CONFIG
from skrl.resources.schedulers.torch import KLAdaptiveRL
from skrl.resources.preprocessors.torch import RunningStandardScaler
from skrl.trainers.torch import SequentialTrainer
from skrl.envs.torch import wrap_env
from skrl.envs.torch import load_isaac_orbit_env
from skrl.utils import set_seed

# set the seed for reproducibility

# Define the shared model (stochastic and deterministic models) for the agent using mixins.
class Shared(GaussianMixin, DeterministicMixin, Model):
    def __init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device, clip_actions=False,
                 clip_log_std=True, min_log_std=-20, max_log_std=2, reduction="sum"):
        Model.__init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device)
        GaussianMixin.__init__(self, clip_actions, clip_log_std, min_log_std, max_log_std, reduction)
        DeterministicMixin.__init__(self, clip_actions=False)

        self.net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.num_observations, 256),
                                 nn.Linear(256, 128),
                                 nn.Linear(128, 64),

        self.mean_layer = nn.Linear(64, self.num_actions)
        self.log_std_parameter = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.num_actions))

        self.value_layer = nn.Linear(64, 1)

    def act(self, inputs, role):
        if role == "policy":
            return GaussianMixin.act(self, inputs, role)
        elif role == "value":
            return DeterministicMixin.act(self, inputs, role)

    def compute(self, inputs, role):
        if role == "policy":
            return torch.tanh(self.mean_layer(self.net(inputs["states"]))), self.log_std_parameter, {}
        elif role == "value":
            return self.value_layer(self.net(inputs["states"])), {}

# Load and wrap the Omniverse Isaac Gym environment
env = load_isaac_orbit_env(task_name="Isaac-Ant-v0")
env = wrap_env(env)

device = env.device

# Instantiate a RandomMemory as rollout buffer (any memory can be used for this)
memory = RandomMemory(memory_size=16, num_envs=env.num_envs, device=device)

# Instantiate the agent's models (function approximators).
# PPO requires 2 models, visit its documentation for more details
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.ppo.html#spaces-and-models
models_ppo = {}
models_ppo["policy"] = Shared(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device, clip_actions=True)
models_ppo["value"] = models_ppo["policy"]  # same instance: shared model

# Configure and instantiate the agent.
# Only modify some of the default configuration, visit its documentation to see all the options
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.ppo.html#configuration-and-hyperparameters
cfg_ppo = PPO_DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
cfg_ppo["rollouts"] = 16  # memory_size
cfg_ppo["learning_epochs"] = 8
cfg_ppo["mini_batches"] = 4  # 16 * 1024 / 4096
cfg_ppo["discount_factor"] = 0.99
cfg_ppo["lambda"] = 0.95
cfg_ppo["learning_rate"] = 3e-4
cfg_ppo["learning_rate_scheduler"] = KLAdaptiveRL
cfg_ppo["learning_rate_scheduler_kwargs"] = {"kl_threshold": 0.008}
cfg_ppo["random_timesteps"] = 0
cfg_ppo["learning_starts"] = 0
cfg_ppo["grad_norm_clip"] = 1.0
cfg_ppo["ratio_clip"] = 0.2
cfg_ppo["value_clip"] = 0.2
cfg_ppo["clip_predicted_values"] = True
cfg_ppo["entropy_loss_scale"] = 0.0
cfg_ppo["value_loss_scale"] = 1.0
cfg_ppo["kl_threshold"] = 0
cfg_ppo["rewards_shaper"] = lambda rewards, timestep, timesteps: rewards * 0.01
cfg_ppo["state_preprocessor"] = RunningStandardScaler
cfg_ppo["state_preprocessor_kwargs"] = {"size": env.observation_space, "device": device}
cfg_ppo["value_preprocessor"] = RunningStandardScaler
cfg_ppo["value_preprocessor_kwargs"] = {"size": 1, "device": device}
# logging to TensorBoard and write checkpoints each 40 and 400 timesteps respectively
cfg_ppo["experiment"]["write_interval"] = 40
cfg_ppo["experiment"]["checkpoint_interval"] = 400

agent = PPO(models=models_ppo,

# Configure and instantiate the RL trainer
cfg_trainer = {"timesteps": 8000, "headless": True}
trainer = SequentialTrainer(cfg=cfg_trainer, env=env, agents=agent)

# start training

Omniverse Isaac Gym

Omniverse Isaac Gym environments

These examples perform the training of an agent in the Omniverse Isaac Gym environments (one agent, multiple environments)

Isaac Gym environments

The following components or practices are exemplified (highlighted):

  • Load and wrap an Omniverse Isaac Gym environment: AllegroHand, Ant, Anymal

  • Load and wrap an Omniverse Isaac Gym multi-threaded environment: Ant (multi-threaded), Cartpole (multi-threaded)

  • Set an input preprocessor: AnymalTerrain, BallBalance

  • Set a random seed for reproducibility: Cartpole, Crazyflie

  • Set a learning rate scheduler: FrankaCabinet, Humanoid

  • Define a reward shaping function: Ingenuity, Quadcopter, ShadowHand

The PPO agent configuration is mapped, as far as possible, from the rl_games’ A2C-PPO configuration for Omniverse Isaac Gym environments. Shared models or separated models are used depending on the value of the network.separate variable. The following list shows the mapping between the two configurations:configurations

# memory
memory_size = horizon_length

# agent
rollouts = horizon_length
learning_epochs = mini_epochs
mini_batches = horizon_length * num_actors / minibatch_size
discount_factor = gamma
lambda = tau
learning_rate = learning_rate
learning_rate_scheduler = skrl.resources.schedulers.torch.KLAdaptiveRL
learning_rate_scheduler_kwargs = {"kl_threshold": kl_threshold}
random_timesteps = 0
learning_starts = 0
grad_norm_clip = grad_norm
ratio_clip = e_clip
value_clip = e_clip
clip_predicted_values = clip_value
entropy_loss_scale = entropy_coef
value_loss_scale = 0.5 * critic_coef
kl_threshold = 0
rewards_shaper = lambda rewards, timestep, timesteps: rewards * scale_value

# trainer
timesteps = horizon_length * max_epochs

Benchmark results are listed in Benchmark results #32 (NVIDIA Omniverse Isaac Gym)


Omniverse Isaac Gym environments implement a functionality to get their configuration from the command line. Because of this feature, setting the headless option from the trainer configuration will not work. In this case, it is necessary to invoke the scripts as follows: python script.py headless=True


import torch
import torch.nn as nn

# Import the skrl components to build the RL system
from skrl.models.torch import Model, GaussianMixin, DeterministicMixin
from skrl.memories.torch import RandomMemory
from skrl.agents.torch.ppo import PPO, PPO_DEFAULT_CONFIG
from skrl.resources.schedulers.torch import KLAdaptiveRL
from skrl.resources.preprocessors.torch import RunningStandardScaler
from skrl.trainers.torch import SequentialTrainer
from skrl.envs.torch import wrap_env
from skrl.envs.torch import load_omniverse_isaacgym_env
from skrl.utils import set_seed

# set the seed for reproducibility

# Define the shared model (stochastic and deterministic models) for the agent using mixins.
class Shared(GaussianMixin, DeterministicMixin, Model):
    def __init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device, clip_actions=False,
                 clip_log_std=True, min_log_std=-20, max_log_std=2, reduction="sum"):
        Model.__init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device)
        GaussianMixin.__init__(self, clip_actions, clip_log_std, min_log_std, max_log_std, reduction)
        DeterministicMixin.__init__(self, clip_actions)

        self.net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.num_observations, 512),
                                 nn.Linear(512, 256),
                                 nn.Linear(256, 128),

        self.mean_layer = nn.Linear(128, self.num_actions)
        self.log_std_parameter = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.num_actions))

        self.value_layer = nn.Linear(128, 1)

    def act(self, inputs, role):
        if role == "policy":
            return GaussianMixin.act(self, inputs, role)
        elif role == "value":
            return DeterministicMixin.act(self, inputs, role)

    def compute(self, inputs, role):
        if role == "policy":
            return self.mean_layer(self.net(inputs["states"])), self.log_std_parameter, {}
        elif role == "value":
            return self.value_layer(self.net(inputs["states"])), {}

# Load and wrap the Omniverse Isaac Gym environment
env = load_omniverse_isaacgym_env(task_name="AllegroHand")
env = wrap_env(env)

device = env.device

# Instantiate a RandomMemory as rollout buffer (any memory can be used for this)
memory = RandomMemory(memory_size=16, num_envs=env.num_envs, device=device)

# Instantiate the agent's models (function approximators).
# PPO requires 2 models, visit its documentation for more details
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.ppo.html#spaces-and-models
models_ppo = {}
models_ppo["policy"] = Shared(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models_ppo["value"] = models_ppo["policy"]  # same instance: shared model

# Configure and instantiate the agent.
# Only modify some of the default configuration, visit its documentation to see all the options
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.ppo.html#configuration-and-hyperparameters
cfg_ppo = PPO_DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
cfg_ppo["rollouts"] = 16  # memory_size
cfg_ppo["learning_epochs"] = 5
cfg_ppo["mini_batches"] = 4  # 16 * 8192 / 32768
cfg_ppo["discount_factor"] = 0.99
cfg_ppo["lambda"] = 0.95
cfg_ppo["learning_rate"] = 5e-4
cfg_ppo["learning_rate_scheduler"] = KLAdaptiveRL
cfg_ppo["learning_rate_scheduler_kwargs"] = {"kl_threshold": 0.02}
cfg_ppo["random_timesteps"] = 0
cfg_ppo["learning_starts"] = 0
cfg_ppo["grad_norm_clip"] = 1.0
cfg_ppo["ratio_clip"] = 0.2
cfg_ppo["value_clip"] = 0.2
cfg_ppo["clip_predicted_values"] = True
cfg_ppo["entropy_loss_scale"] = 0.0
cfg_ppo["value_loss_scale"] = 2.0
cfg_ppo["kl_threshold"] = 0
cfg_ppo["rewards_shaper"] = lambda rewards, timestep, timesteps: rewards * 0.01
cfg_ppo["state_preprocessor"] = RunningStandardScaler
cfg_ppo["state_preprocessor_kwargs"] = {"size": env.observation_space, "device": device}
cfg_ppo["value_preprocessor"] = RunningStandardScaler
cfg_ppo["value_preprocessor_kwargs"] = {"size": 1, "device": device}
# logging to TensorBoard and write checkpoints each 800 and 8000 timesteps respectively
cfg_ppo["experiment"]["write_interval"] = 800
cfg_ppo["experiment"]["checkpoint_interval"] = 8000

agent = PPO(models=models_ppo,

# Configure and instantiate the RL trainer
cfg_trainer = {"timesteps": 160000, "headless": True}
trainer = SequentialTrainer(cfg=cfg_trainer, env=env, agents=agent)

# start training

Omniverse Isaac Sim (single environment)

These examples show how to train an agent in an Omniverse Isaac Sim environment that is implemented using the Gym interface (one agent, one environment)

This example performs the training of an agent in the Isaac Sim’s Cartpole environment described in the Creating New RL Environment tutorial

Use the steps described below to setup and launch the experiment after follow the tutorial

# download the sample code from GitHub in the directory containing the cartpole_task.py script
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Toni-SM/skrl/main/docs/source/examples/isaacsim/cartpole_example_skrl.py

# run the experiment
PYTHON_PATH cartpole_example_skrl.py


# Omniverse Isaac Sim tutorial: Creating New RL Environment
# https://docs.omniverse.nvidia.com/app_isaacsim/app_isaacsim/tutorial_gym_new_rl_example.html

# Instance of VecEnvBase and create the task
from omni.isaac.gym.vec_env import VecEnvBase
env = VecEnvBase(headless=True)

from cartpole_task import CartpoleTask
task = CartpoleTask(name="Cartpole")
env.set_task(task, backend="torch")

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

# Import the skrl components to build the RL system
from skrl.models.torch import Model, GaussianMixin, DeterministicMixin
from skrl.memories.torch import RandomMemory
from skrl.agents.torch.ppo import PPO, PPO_DEFAULT_CONFIG
from skrl.resources.schedulers.torch import KLAdaptiveRL
from skrl.trainers.torch import SequentialTrainer
from skrl.envs.torch import wrap_env

# Define the models (stochastic and deterministic models) for the agent using mixins.
# - Policy: takes as input the environment's observation/state and returns an action
# - Value: takes the state as input and provides a value to guide the policy
class Policy(GaussianMixin, Model):
    def __init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device, clip_actions=False,
                 clip_log_std=True, min_log_std=-20, max_log_std=2):
        Model.__init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device)
        GaussianMixin.__init__(self, clip_actions, clip_log_std, min_log_std, max_log_std)

        self.net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.num_observations, 64),
                                 nn.Linear(64, 64),
                                 nn.Linear(64, self.num_actions))
        self.log_std_parameter = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.num_actions))

    def compute(self, inputs, role):
        return torch.tanh(self.net(inputs["states"])), self.log_std_parameter, {}

class Value(DeterministicMixin, Model):
    def __init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device, clip_actions=False):
        Model.__init__(self, observation_space, action_space, device)
        DeterministicMixin.__init__(self, clip_actions)

        self.net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.num_observations, 64),
                                 nn.Linear(64, 64),
                                 nn.Linear(64, 1))

    def compute(self, inputs, role):
        return self.net(inputs["states"]), {}

# Load and wrap the environment
env = wrap_env(env)

device = env.device

# Instantiate a RandomMemory as rollout buffer (any memory can be used for this)
memory = RandomMemory(memory_size=1000, num_envs=env.num_envs, device=device)

# Instantiate the agent's models (function approximators).
# PPO requires 2 models, visit its documentation for more details
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.ppo.html#spaces-and-models
models_ppo = {}
models_ppo["policy"] = Policy(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)
models_ppo["value"] = Value(env.observation_space, env.action_space, device)

# Initialize the models' parameters (weights and biases) using a Gaussian distribution
for model in models_ppo.values():
    model.init_parameters(method_name="normal_", mean=0.0, std=0.1)

# Configure and instantiate the agent.
# Only modify some of the default configuration, visit its documentation to see all the options
# https://skrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/skrl.agents.ppo.html#configuration-and-hyperparameters
cfg_ppo = PPO_DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
cfg_ppo["rollouts"] = 1000
cfg_ppo["learning_epochs"] = 20
cfg_ppo["mini_batches"] = 1
cfg_ppo["discount_factor"] = 0.99
cfg_ppo["lambda"] = 0.95
cfg_ppo["learning_rate"] = 0.001
cfg_ppo["random_timesteps"] = 0
cfg_ppo["learning_starts"] = 0
cfg_ppo["grad_norm_clip"] = 1.0
cfg_ppo["ratio_clip"] = 0.2
cfg_ppo["value_clip"] = 0.2
cfg_ppo["clip_predicted_values"] = False
cfg_ppo["entropy_loss_scale"] = 0.0
cfg_ppo["value_loss_scale"] = 0.5
cfg_ppo["kl_threshold"] = 0
cfg_ppo["experiment"]["write_interval"] = 1000
cfg_ppo["experiment"]["checkpoint_interval"] = 10000

agent = PPO(models=models_ppo,

# Configure and instantiate the RL trainer
cfg_trainer = {"timesteps": 100000, "headless": True}
trainer = SequentialTrainer(cfg=cfg_trainer, env=env, agents=agent)

# start training

Real-world examples

These examples show basic real-world use cases to guide and support advanced RL implementations

3D reaching task (Franka’s gripper must reach a certain target point in space). The training was done in Omniverse Isaac Gym. The real robot control is performed through the Python API of a modified version of frankx (see frankx’s pull request #44), a high-level motion library around libfranka. Training and evaluation is performed for both Cartesian and joint control space

Implementation (see details in the table below):

  • The observation space is composed of the episode’s normalized progress, the robot joints’ normalized positions (\(q\)) in the interval -1 to 1, the robot joints’ velocities (\(\dot{q}\)) affected by a random uniform scale for generalization, and the target’s position in space (\(target_{_{XYZ}}\)) with respect to the robot’s base

  • The action space, bounded in the range -1 to 1, consists of the following. For the joint control it’s robot joints’ position scaled change. For the Cartesian control it’s the end-effector’s position (\(ee_{_{XYZ}}\)) scaled change. The end-effector position frame corresponds to the point where the left finger connects to the gripper base in simulation, whereas in the real world it corresponds to the end of the fingers. The gripper fingers remain closed all the time in both cases

  • The instantaneous reward is the negative value of the Euclidean distance (\(\text{d}\)) between the robot end-effector and the target point position. The episode terminates when this distance is less than 0.035 meters in simulation (0.075 meters in real-world) or when the defined maximum timestep is reached

  • The target position lies within a rectangular cuboid of dimensions 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.2 meters centered at (0.5, 0.0, 0.2) meters with respect to the robot’s base. The robot joints’ positions are drawn from an initial configuration [0º, -45º, 0º, -135º, 0º, 90º, 45º] modified with uniform random values between -7º and 7º approximately


Formula / value


Observation space

\(\dfrac{t}{t_{max}},\; 2 \dfrac{q - q_{min}}{q_{max} - q_{min}} - 1,\; 0.1\,\dot{q}\,U(0.5,1.5),\; target_{_{XYZ}}\)


Action space (joint)

\(\dfrac{2.5}{120} \, \Delta q\)


Action space (Cartesian)

\(\dfrac{1}{100} \, \Delta ee_{_{XYZ}}\)



\(-\text{d}(ee_{_{XYZ}},\; target_{_{XYZ}})\)

Episode termination

\(\text{d}(ee_{_{XYZ}},\; target_{_{XYZ}}) \le 0.035 \quad\) or \(\quad t \ge t_{max} - 1\)

Maximum timesteps (\(t_{max}\))




Make sure you have the e-stop on hand in case something goes wrong in the run. Control via RL can be dangerous and unsafe for both the operator and the robot

Target position entered via the command prompt or generated randomly

Target position in X and Y obtained with a USB-camera (position in Z fixed at 0.2 m)


A physical Franka Emika Panda robot with Franka Control Interface (FCI) is required. Additionally, the frankx library must be available in the python environment (see frankx’s pull request #44 for the RL-compatible version installation)



python3 reaching_franka_real_skrl_eval.py

Main environment configuration:


In the joint control space the final control of the robot is performed through the Cartesian pose (forward kinematics from specified values for the joints)

The control space (Cartesian or joint), the robot motion type (waypoint or impedance) and the target position acquisition (command prompt / automatically generated or USB-camera) can be specified in the environment class constructor (from reaching_franka_real_skrl_eval.py) as follow:

control_space = "joint"   # joint or cartesian
motion_type = "waypoint"  # waypoint or impedance
camera_tracking = False   # True for USB-camera tracking

Library utilities (skrl.utils module)

This example shows how to use the library utilities to carry out the post-processing of files and data generated by the experiments

Tensorboard file iterator

Example of a figure, generated by the code, showing the total reward (left) and the mean and standard deviation (right) of all experiments located in the runs folder


Note: The code will load all the Tensorboard files of the experiments located in the runs folder. It is necessary to adjust the iterator’s parameters for other paths

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from skrl.utils import postprocessing

labels = []
rewards = []

# load the Tensorboard files and iterate over them (tag: "Reward / Total reward (mean)")
tensorboard_iterator = postprocessing.TensorboardFileIterator("runs/*/events.out.tfevents.*",
                                                              tags=["Reward / Total reward (mean)"])
for dirname, data in tensorboard_iterator:
    rewards.append(data["Reward / Total reward (mean)"])

# convert to numpy arrays and compute mean and std
rewards = np.array(rewards)
mean = np.mean(rewards[:,:,1], axis=0)
std = np.std(rewards[:,:,1], axis=0)

# creae two subplots (one for each reward and one for the mean)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 5))

# plot the rewards for each experiment
for reward, label in zip(rewards, labels):
    ax[0].plot(reward[:,0], reward[:,1], label=label)

ax[0].set_title("Total reward (for each experiment)")

# plot the mean and std (across experiments)
ax[1].fill_between(rewards[0,:,0], mean - std, mean + std, alpha=0.5, label="std")
ax[1].plot(rewards[0,:,0], mean, label="mean")

ax[1].set_title("Total reward (mean and std of all experiments)")

# show and save the figure