Isaac Orbit environments

Isaac Orbit environments


The repository provides the example reinforcement learning environments for Isaac orbit

These environments can be easily loaded and configured by calling a single function provided with this library. This function also makes it possible to configure the environment from the command line arguments (see Running an RL environment) or from its parameters as a python dictionary


The command line arguments has priority over the function parameters


Isaac Orbit environments implement a functionality to get their configuration from the command line. Setting the headless option from the trainer configuration will not work. In this case, it is necessary to invoke the scripts as follows: python --headless

Basic usage

1# import the environment loader
2from skrl.envs.torch import load_isaac_orbit_env
4# load environment
5env = load_isaac_orbit_env(task_name="Isaac-Cartpole-v0")


skrl.envs.torch.loaders.load_isaac_orbit_env(task_name: str = '', show_cfg: bool = True)

Load an Isaac Orbit environment

Isaac Orbit:

This function includes the definition and parsing of command line arguments used by Isaac Orbit:

  • --headless: Force display off at all times

  • --cpu: Use CPU pipeline

  • --num_envs: Number of environments to simulate

  • --task: Name of the task

  • --num_envs: Seed used for the environment

  • task_name (str, optional) – The name of the task (default: “”). If not specified, the task name is taken from the command line argument (--task TASK_NAME). Command line argument has priority over function parameter if both are specified

  • show_cfg (bool, optional) – Whether to print the configuration (default: True)


ValueError – The task name has not been defined, neither by the function parameter nor by the command line arguments


Isaac Orbit environment

Return type
