Random memory

Basic usage

 1import torch
 2from skrl.memories.torch import RandomMemory
 4# create a random memory object
 5memory = RandomMemory(memory_size=1000, num_envs=1, replacement=False)
 7# create tensors in memory
 8memory.create_tensor(name="states", size=(64, 64, 3), dtype=torch.float32)
 9memory.create_tensor(name="actions", size=(4,1), dtype=torch.float32)
10memory.create_tensor(name="rewards", size=1, dtype=torch.float32)
11memory.create_tensor(name="next_states", size=(64, 64, 3), dtype=torch.float32)
12memory.create_tensor(name="dones", size=1, dtype=torch.bool)
14# add data to the memory
15for i in range(500):
16    memory.add_samples(states=torch.rand(64, 64, 3).view(-1),
17                       actions=torch.rand(4,1).view(-1),
18                       rewards=torch.rand(1),
19                       next_states=torch.rand(64, 64, 3).view(-1),
20                       dones=torch.randint(2, size=(1,)).bool())
22# sample a batch of data from the memory
23batch = memory.sample(batch_size=32, names=["states", "actions", "rewards", "next_states", "dones"])


class skrl.memories.torch.random.RandomMemory(memory_size: int, num_envs: int = 1, device: Optional[Union[str, torch.device]] = None, export: bool = False, export_format: str = 'pt', export_directory: str = '', replacement=True)

Bases: skrl.memories.torch.base.Memory

__init__(memory_size: int, num_envs: int = 1, device: Optional[Union[str, torch.device]] = None, export: bool = False, export_format: str = 'pt', export_directory: str = '', replacement=True) None

Random sampling memory

Sample a batch from memory randomly

  • memory_size (int) – Maximum number of elements in the first dimension of each internal storage

  • num_envs (int, optional) – Number of parallel environments (default: 1)

  • device (str or torch.device, optional) – Device on which a torch tensor is or will be allocated (default: None). If None, the device will be either "cuda:0" if available or "cpu"

  • export (bool, optional) – Export the memory to a file (default: False). If True, the memory will be exported when the memory is filled

  • export_format (str, optional) – Export format (default: “pt”). Supported formats: torch (pt), numpy (np), comma separated values (csv)

  • export_directory (str, optional) – Directory where the memory will be exported (default: “”). If empty, the agent’s experiment directory will be used

  • replacement (bool, optional) – Flag to indicate whether the sample is with or without replacement (default: True). Replacement implies that a value can be selected multiple times (the batch size is always guaranteed). Sampling without replacement will return a batch of maximum memory size if the memory size is less than the requested batch size


ValueError – The export format is not supported

__len__() int

Compute and return the current (valid) size of the memory

The valid size is calculated as the memory_size * num_envs if the memory is full (filled). Otherwise, the memory_index * num_envs + env_index is returned


Valid size

Return type


add_samples(**tensors: torch.Tensor) None

Record samples in memory

Samples should be a tensor with 2-components shape (number of environments, data size). All tensors must be of the same shape

According to the number of environments, the following classification is made:

  • one environment: Store a single sample (tensors with one dimension) and increment the environment index (second index) by one

  • number of environments less than num_envs: Store the samples and increment the environment index (second index) by the number of the environments

  • number of environments equals num_envs: Store the samples and increment the memory index (first index) by one


tensors (dict) – Sampled data as key-value arguments where the keys are the names of the tensors to be modified. Non-existing tensors will be skipped


ValueError – No tensors were provided or the tensors have incompatible shapes

create_tensor(name: str, size: Union[int, Tuple[int], gym.spaces.space.Space, gymnasium.spaces.space.Space], dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None, keep_dimensions: bool = False) bool

Create a new internal tensor in memory

The tensor will have a 3-components shape (memory size, number of environments, size). The internal representation will use _tensor_<name> as the name of the class property

  • name (str) – Tensor name (the name has to follow the python PEP 8 style)

  • size (int, tuple or list of integers, gym.Space, or gymnasium.Space) – Number of elements in the last dimension (effective data size). The product of the elements will be computed for sequences or gym/gymnasium spaces

  • dtype (torch.dtype or None, optional) – Data type (torch.dtype). If None, the global default torch data type will be used (default)

  • keep_dimensions (bool) – Whether or not to keep the dimensions defined through the size parameter (default: False)


ValueError – The tensor name exists already but the size or dtype are different


True if the tensor was created, otherwise False

Return type


get_sampling_indexes() Union[tuple, numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor]

Get the last indexes used for sampling


Last sampling indexes

Return type

tuple or list, numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor

get_tensor_by_name(name: str, keepdim: bool = True) torch.Tensor

Get a tensor by its name

  • name (str) – Name of the tensor to retrieve

  • keepdim (bool, optional) – Keep the tensor’s shape (memory size, number of environments, size) (default: True) If False, the returned tensor will have a shape of (memory size * number of environments, size)


KeyError – The tensor does not exist



Return type


get_tensor_names() Tuple[str]

Get the name of the internal tensors in alphabetical order


Tensor names without internal prefix (_tensor_)

Return type

tuple of strings

load(path: str) None

Load the memory from a file

Supported formats: - PyTorch (pt) - NumPy (npz) - Comma-separated values (csv)


path (str) – Path to the file where the memory will be loaded


ValueError – If the format is not supported

reset() None

Reset the memory by cleaning internal indexes and flags

Old data will be retained until overwritten, but access through the available methods will not be guaranteed

Default values of the internal indexes and flags

  • filled: False

  • env_index: 0

  • memory_index: 0

sample(names: Tuple[str], batch_size: int, mini_batches: int = 1, sequence_length: int = 1) List[List[torch.Tensor]]

Sample a batch from memory randomly

  • names (tuple or list of strings) – Tensors names from which to obtain the samples

  • batch_size (int) – Number of element to sample

  • mini_batches (int, optional) – Number of mini-batches to sample (default: 1)

  • sequence_length (int, optional) – Length of each sequence (default: 1)


Sampled data from tensors sorted according to their position in the list of names. The sampled tensors will have the following shape: (batch size, data size)

Return type

list of torch.Tensor list

sample_all(names: Tuple[str], mini_batches: int = 1, sequence_length: int = 1) List[List[torch.Tensor]]

Sample all data from memory

  • names (tuple or list of strings) – Tensors names from which to obtain the samples

  • mini_batches (int, optional) – Number of mini-batches to sample (default: 1)

  • sequence_length (int, optional) – Length of each sequence (default: 1)


Sampled data from memory. The sampled tensors will have the following shape: (memory size * number of environments, data size)

Return type

list of torch.Tensor list

sample_by_index(names: Tuple[str], indexes: Union[tuple, numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor], mini_batches: int = 1) List[List[torch.Tensor]]

Sample data from memory according to their indexes

  • names (tuple or list of strings) – Tensors names from which to obtain the samples

  • indexes (tuple or list, numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor) – Indexes used for sampling

  • mini_batches (int, optional) – Number of mini-batches to sample (default: 1)


Sampled data from tensors sorted according to their position in the list of names. The sampled tensors will have the following shape: (number of indexes, data size)

Return type

list of torch.Tensor list

save(directory: str = '', format: str = 'pt') None

Save the memory to a file

Supported formats:

  • PyTorch (pt)

  • NumPy (npz)

  • Comma-separated values (csv)

  • directory (str) – Path to the folder where the memory will be saved. If not provided, the directory defined in the constructor will be used

  • format (str, optional) – Format of the file where the memory will be saved (default: “pt”)


ValueError – If the format is not supported

set_tensor_by_name(name: str, tensor: torch.Tensor) None

Set a tensor by its name

  • name (str) – Name of the tensor to set

  • tensor (torch.Tensor) – Tensor to set


KeyError – The tensor does not exist

share_memory() None

Share the tensors between processes