Base class


This is the base class for all the other classes in this module. It provides the basic functionality for the other classes. It is not intended to be used directly.

Basic inheritance usage

from typing import Union, Tuple, Dict, Any, Optional

import gym

import torch

from skrl.memories.torch import Memory      # from ....memories.torch import Memory
from skrl.models.torch import Model         # from ....models.torch import Model

from skrl.agents.torch import Agent         # from .. import Agent

    "experiment": {
        "directory": "",            # experiment's parent directory
        "experiment_name": "",      # experiment name
        "write_interval": 250,      # TensorBoard writing interval (timesteps)

        "checkpoint_interval": 1000,        # interval for checkpoints (timesteps)
        "store_separately": False,          # whether to store checkpoints separately

        "wandb": False,             # whether to use Weights & Biases
        "wandb_kwargs": {}          # wandb kwargs (see

class CUSTOM(Agent):
    def __init__(self,
                 models: Dict[str, Model],
                 memory: Optional[Memory] = None,
                 observation_space: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int], gym.Space]] = None,
                 action_space: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int], gym.Space]] = None,
                 device: Union[str, torch.device] = "cuda:0",
                 cfg: Optional[dict] = None) -> None:
        :param models: Models used by the agent
        :type models: dictionary of skrl.models.torch.Model
        :param memory: Memory to storage the transitions
        :type memory: skrl.memory.torch.Memory or None
        :param observation_space: Observation/state space or shape (default: None)
        :type observation_space: int, tuple or list of integers, gym.Space or None, optional
        :param action_space: Action space or shape (default: None)
        :type action_space: int, tuple or list of integers, gym.Space or None, optional
        :param device: Computing device (default: "cuda:0")
        :type device: str or torch.device, optional
        :param cfg: Configuration dictionary
        :type cfg: dict
        CUSTOM_DEFAULT_CONFIG.update(cfg if cfg is not None else {})
        # =====================================================================
        # - get and process models from self.models
        # - populate self.checkpoint_modules dictionary for storing checkpoints
        # - parse configurations from self.cfg
        # - setup optimizers and learning rate scheduler
        # - set up preprocessors
        # =====================================================================

    def init(self, trainer_cfg: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> None:
        """Initialize the agent
        # =================================================================
        # - create tensors in memory if required
        # - # create temporary variables needed for storage and computation
        # =================================================================

    def act(self, states: torch.Tensor, timestep: int, timesteps: int) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Process the environment's states to make a decision (actions) using the main policy

        :param states: Environment's states
        :type states: torch.Tensor
        :param timestep: Current timestep
        :type timestep: int
        :param timesteps: Number of timesteps
        :type timesteps: int
        :param inference: Flag to indicate whether the model is making inference
        :type inference: bool

        :return: Actions
        :rtype: torch.Tensor
        # ======================================
        # - sample random actions if required or
        #   sample and return agent's actions
        # ======================================

    def record_transition(self,
                          states: torch.Tensor,
                          actions: torch.Tensor,
                          rewards: torch.Tensor,
                          next_states: torch.Tensor,
                          dones: torch.Tensor,
                          infos: Any,
                          timestep: int,
                          timesteps: int) -> None:
        """Record an environment transition in memory

        :param states: Observations/states of the environment used to make the decision
        :type states: torch.Tensor
        :param actions: Actions taken by the agent
        :type actions: torch.Tensor
        :param rewards: Instant rewards achieved by the current actions
        :type rewards: torch.Tensor
        :param next_states: Next observations/states of the environment
        :type next_states: torch.Tensor
        :param dones: Signals to indicate that episodes have ended
        :type dones: torch.Tensor
        :param infos: Additional information about the environment
        :type infos: Any type supported by the environment
        :param timestep: Current timestep
        :type timestep: int
        :param timesteps: Number of timesteps
        :type timesteps: int
        super().record_transition(states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones, infos, timestep, timesteps)
        # ========================================
        # - record agent's specific data in memory
        # ========================================

    def pre_interaction(self, timestep: int, timesteps: int) -> None:
        """Callback called before the interaction with the environment

        :param timestep: Current timestep
        :type timestep: int
        :param timesteps: Number of timesteps
        :type timesteps: int
        # ===================================
        # - call self.update(...) if required
        # ===================================

    def post_interaction(self, timestep: int, timesteps: int) -> None:
        """Callback called after the interaction with the environment

        :param timestep: Current timestep
        :type timestep: int
        :param timesteps: Number of timesteps
        :type timesteps: int
        # ===================================
        # - call self.update(...) if required
        # ===================================
        # call parent's method for checkpointing and TensorBoard writing
        super().post_interaction(timestep, timesteps)

    def _update(self, timestep: int, timesteps: int) -> None:
        """Algorithm's main update step

        :param timestep: Current timestep
        :type timestep: int
        :param timesteps: Number of timesteps
        :type timesteps: int
        # =================================================
        # - implement algorithm's update step
        # - record tracking data using self.track_data(...)
        # =================================================